Impact Finance Belgium (IFB), our National Partner, outlines how policy and regulation can unlock private sector capital for impact in Belgium, positioning the private sector as a vital partner and co-financier alongside the Belgian government.
The report shows Belgium must invest an estimated EUR 4-7 billion annually in sustainable infrastructure, EUR 2-5 billion in health, and EUR 1.5-3 billion in education. The report focuses on leveraging 'dark green investments', which demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainability and positive impact.
Belgium has significant potential to increase the share of assets under management (AUM) that are invested with measurable social and environmental goals. This is currently well below 10%. To tap into this potential, the report recommends targeted policies and regulatory frameworks to unlock billions in private capital.
This report will help you find answers to the following questions:
How can policy and regulation unlock billions for impact investing in Belgium?
Financial mechanisms such as public sector guarantees can unlock billions in private capital to finance sustainable development projects in Belgium.
What are the four key opportunities to boost sustainable and impact investing in Belgium?
The IFB report outlines four opportunities: leveraging private capital through public support, unlocking retail savings, stimulating institutional investors, and adopting green budgeting frameworks.
How can retail savings contribute to sustainable investment in Belgium?
The report suggests creating a retail impact fund to enable citizens to invest their savings into sustainable and impact-driven projects, increasing capital for these initiatives.
What role do institutional investors play in scaling impact investments in Belgium?
Institutional investors, including pension funds and insurance companies, are encouraged to direct part of their investments toward scaling societal benefits through impact finance.
How can green budgeting help foster sustainable growth in Belgium?
Green budgeting frameworks at both federal and regional levels can align government spending with sustainability goals, fostering a more inclusive and sustainable future.