Juan Bernal
Juan Bernal
Juan Bernal
Juan Bernal is the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) at MAPFRE, the leading multinational insurance group in Latin America and the sixth largest insurer in Europe by premium volume.
Juan Bernal has been chairman of SpainNAB since June 2019 and is a vocal champion of the impact investment ecosystem.
MAPFRE has more than 50 billion euros under management, and its team of 175 professionals is distributed across three management centers (Madrid, Boston and Sao Paulo). MAPFRE AM is the leading non-bank fund manager in Spain, with nearly 38 billion euros in assets.
MAPFRE's sustainability strategy is fully integrated into its operating business model. Fully committed to the 2030 Agenda, MAPFRE directs its ESG efforts to reducing inequalities, expanding access to insurance, protecting the planet, and ensuring its governance strategy promotes ethics and transparency.
MAPFRE is a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and is actively designing new investment products for its customers that align with these principles and meet ESG criteria. MAPFRE AM has several ESG-focused products on the market, (the MAPFRE AM Capital Responsible and MAPFRE AM Inclusión Responsible funds) and recently expanded its socially-oriented offering with the launch of three Article 8 funds. MAPFRE also has a controlling interest in French boutique fund manager La Financière Responsable (LFR), giving it access to a proprietary methodology that it uses to select the very best companies to invest in.
He holds a BBA from the EU Business School, and an Executive MBA from the University of Alcala.