Regulation plays an immutable role in facilitating mainstream involvement of pension funds in the impact economy.
Clarity on the legality of impact investing is often a key barrier faced by pension funds in investing for impact, while legal incentives are essential to accelerate and mainstream adoption.
In this session, we will explore existing regulations affecting pension fund flows and hear practical strategies about how National Partners can encourage the introduction of policies and regulations that create an enabling regulatory environment for impact investing among pension funds. We will also hear from National Partners about how they are supporting pension funds to navigate rapid changes in the regulatory environment. You will hear concrete examples from the French and UK National Partners, and have the opportunity to share your experience with others.
This National Partners Dialogue is part of a series exploring how National Partners can support the mobilisation of pension fund capital for impact at the different stages of market development that will serve to identify opportunities for collaboration through the pension fund working group.
This session is open to all stakeholders – pension funds, policymakers, and market builders interested in growing the involvement of pension funds in the impact economy. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange informally with their peers from other countries before and after the session.