Good governance underpins GSG Impact National Partners' leadership to grow and develop impact ecosystems as an enabler of healthy and mature impact markets.
Establishing clear governance structures and policies is critical for National Partners (NPs) to recruit effective Board members, design and agree on work programmes, and be held to account for carrying them out.
In the NP’s development stages, the Taskforce will cocreate and draft a governance framework. This should be an inclusive and collaborative process, based on input from all stakeholders engaged with the Taskforce.
This resource maps common challenges faced by a Taskforce as it designs the structure of its Board to develop into an established NP, or by an NP that wants to renew and refresh its governance. It also includes recommendations for dealing with those challenges.
For all of these specific issues, there is an overriding framework that provides context and guidance:
The aim is to draw on and build on the five pillars of the impact ecosystem:
- supply of impact capital,
- demand for impact capital,
- intermediation of impact capital, government and policy, and market building
The target characteristics are UNESCAP’s eight
building blocks of good governance:
- democratic participation,
- upholding the rule of law,
- transparent governance,
- responsive engagement,
- consensus-oriented,
- reflecting equity and inclusiveness,
- being effective and efficient, and practicing accountability
The metrics are the three governance contributions to better outcomes to societal challenges:
- clarity of leadership,
- exclusive focus on developing the impact ecosystem
- adapting quickly to meet changing societal challenges.
This report will help you find answers to the following questions:
What are the key challenges National Partners face in governance?
Challenges include board composition, leadership selection, legal frameworks, and maintaining decision-making efficiency in diverse ecosystems.
Why is board diversity important for National Partners?
Board diversity ensures representation across five ecosystem pillars, enriching strategic decision-making and fostering inclusivity.
How can National Partners strengthen governance frameworks?
By setting clear criteria for board members, establishing nomination committees, and integrating advisory boards for added expertise
What role does leadership renewal play in NP governance?
Regular leadership renewal balances stability with fresh perspectives, helping NPs adapt to evolving market demands and maintain relevance.
Why is creating an independent legal entity recommended for NPs?
It enhances operational independence, mitigates liability risks, and provides a neutral platform for ecosystem development.