- Impact
- Partners
GSG Impact Publications and Reports
- Developing Outcome Funds
- Informal Settlements: No Longer Invisible
- Time to Accelerate Capital Mobilisation for the SDGs in Emerging Markets
- Catalysing an Impact Investment Ecosystem: A Policymaker’s Toolkit
- Transition to Impact Economies – A Global Overview
- Tying funding to results
- Methodology for Mapping SDG-Driven Tech Innovation Ecosystems
- Executive Summary: SDG-Driven Tech Innovation Ecosystems
- Financing SDGs in emerging markets
- Impact investment perspectives and opportunities to support the social agenda
- Driving impact policy making
- Global Leadership Meeting Proceedings 2022
- Impact Measurement & Management (IMM): Impact Investing’s Evolving Ecosystem
- Ghana Impact Investment Landscape Report 2019
- Results-based financing for education
- Building Impact Investment Wholesalers
- Profit-with-Purpose Businesses
- Policy Levers and Objectives
- Measuring Impact
- International Development Report
- Allocating for Impact
- Impact Investment: The Invisible Heart of Markets
- Employment Generation in India: Impact Enterprises vs. Business Enterprises
- The Impact Principle: Widening Participation & Deepening Practice for impact investment at Scale
- Investing for a Better World
- The GSG Annual State of Play Report
- Sizing Impact Investment Markets
- Shared Learning Across the NAB Network
- National Advisory Boards: A Handbook
- The Impact Taskforce: State of Play 2023
- Towards an Enabling Policy Environment for Impact Investment in Asia and the Pacific: Main Report
- Towards an Enabling Policy Environment for Impact Investment in Asia and the Pacific: Country Snapshots
- Managing and Scaling a High Performance NAB
- Successful Multilateral Impact Policy Advocacy
- Kenya Impact Investment Landscape
- GSG Summit Proceedings 2020
- State of impact investing: Perspectives and recommendations from 10 African countries
- 2018 Impact Summit Recap
- 2018 Impact Summit Recap (Abridged)
- Japanese Translation of Sir. Ronald Cohen’s “On Impact”
- GSG State of Play 2023: 2022 NAB Self-Assessment Survey results
- GSG Global Impact Summit Proceedings 2023
- The GSG Annual Report 2023
- Global Leadership Meeting Proceedings 2023
- Pensions and Impact Investing: How are GSG National Partners Engaging with Pension Funds to Advance the Market?
- How think tanks can help build the impact investing ecosystem
- Unlocking local pension fund capital FOR SMALL BUSINESS FINANCE
- SDG Driven Innovation Ecosystem Guidebook
- A Roadmap to Interconnected SDG-Driven Innovation Ecosystems
- 2024 National Partners: State of Play
- Impact Transparency From The Ground Up
- A Guidance Note: Building the Evidence Base for Impact Investing and Impact Economies
- Impact Investment Wholesalers and Fund of Funds: Design Insights from the GSG Impact Partnership
- Challenges in scaling outcomes partnerships in government and strategies for success
- Mobilising Capital for Sustainable Development: How to unlock capital for the Sustainable Development Goals
- Mapping Governance Challenges and Recommendations
National Partner's Publications
- Overview of the French Impact Investment Market 2023
- Climate Tech Investment Trends in India: A 2022 Retrospective (1)
- The Current State and Challenges 2023 of Impact Investing in Japan
- Exploring the Impact Investment Ecosystem: Actors, Gaps, and Opportunities in Peru
- Impact investing in the Netherlands: status quo, barriers and ways to unleash further growth
- How Policy and Regulation can unlock Billions for Impact: Four Opportunities to boost Sustainable and Impact Investing in Belgium
- The Size of Impact: Main Takeaways from the European impact investing market sizing exercise
- The South African impact investing landscape
- The Supply of Impact Capital in Spain in 2022
Insights & Opinion
- Upholding the impact and structure of European Sustainability Reporting Standards: Open letter to the European Commission
- Putting impact on the balance sheet
- How to Increase Private Sector Investment to Meet the Sustainable Development Goals in Emerging Markets
- SDG Newsletter - July 2024
- 4 solutions to mobilise capital for the SDGs in emerging markets
- Top tools for investors and companies
- How asset managers can attract impact capital
- SDG Newsletter - May 2024
- How you can best optimise for impact, risk, and return — the new ‘IRR’
- Why you should allocate more of your capital to impact
- What impact investment is and why its continued growth matters
- Market development: what it is and why it matters
- Three global trends that will lead to a brighter future — for us all
- From Small Acorns: Charting Ten Years of Progress in Impact
- Partnering with Think Tanks to Build the Evidence Base for Impact Investing: A 3-Part Blog Series
- Kenya: the country you can’t afford to ignore
- How Innovative and Sustainable Is Your Government?
- Partnering with Local Think Tanks: The Ghana National Partner Case
- Partnering with Local Think Tanks: The Colombian National Partner Case
- Partnering with Local Think Tanks: The Nigerian National Partner Case
- SDG Newsletter – January 2023
- SDG Newsletter - June 2023
- SDG Newsletter - October 2023
- Which Tech Sectors Align to the SDGs?
- SDG Newsletter - March 2024
- CEO Cliff Prior outlines priorities for Covid-19 recovery
- Cliff Prior Blog
- How to enable a fairer economic recovery from Covid in Africa (in French)
- Municipal-level Strategies for SDG-driven Innovation
- What can we do to spur the growth of the impact economy?
- How to drive impact with Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Impact Capital?
- Introduction to Impact Accounting: The Future of Impact Transparency
- Mapping Impact-Aligned Policies: Lessons From NAB-Led Projects in Latam
- Setting Capital Mobilisation Targets: Towards a Leaders’ Declaration
- Collaborative fundraising: the way forward
- Working with the GSG Impact: seize opportunities
- How can National Partners most effectively engage with and influence governments?
- Core funding models: how to sustainably fund growing nab secretariats?
- From mapping to market sizing: the National Partners' data journey
- What are the fundamentals of an impact investing market maturity index (IIMX)?
- How to (& how not to!) build a successful deal-matching platform: lessons from impact agora?
- The task force on inequality-related financial disclosures (TIFD): a new inequality measurement framework
- Delivering a global just transition: what National Partners can do
- GSG National Partners' dialogue: Realizing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) – implementing the SDG impact standards
- GSG National Partners' dialogue: Moving faith-based investors into impact
- National Partners' dialogue: GSG Impact induction
- ISSB consultation: National Partners input session
- Mainstreaming impact investing in the pension fund industry: the role of regulation
- Singapore & Asia-Pacific Impact Roundtable
- Scaling outcome-based commissioning in government
- Scaling pension funds’ involvement in the impact economy: campaigns to leverage public awareness
- Mobilising local pension funds as pioneers: what you need to know
- Thailand Impact Dialogue
- Indonesia Impact Dialogue
- Ghana Impact Dialogue
- Kenya Impact Dialogue
- Opportunities for Purpose Driven Innovation for the SDGs
- How to Increase Private Sector Investment to Meet the Sustainable Development Goals in Emerging Markets
- GSG Global Impact Summit 2023
- Ghana Impact Summit 2024
- Africa Impact Summit 2024
- EYDK Impact Investing Summit 2024
- I Cumbre Inversion de Impacto 2024
- 2nd West Africa Deal Summit 2024
- The 2nd Hellenic Impact Investing Conference
- Zambia Impact Investment Summit 2024
- Colombia Impact Forum 2024
- Power of Partnerships - Unlocking private capital for SMEs and the potential of FfD4
- Africa Impact Summit 2025
- Cambodia’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Strengthening Conference 2024
- Study Tour: Nigeria 2025
GSG Impact Publications and Reports
- Impact Taskforce highlights the urgent need for Development Finance Institutions to mobilise more private sector capital in low income countries
- GSG backed initiative unlocks new investments to support the world’s most vulnerable
- YPO Impact Investing Initiative Group (Y3i) announces strategic partnership with Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG)
- Steering the impact community to mobilise capital where it is needed most
- The GSG announces expansion of its National Advisory Boards network at its Global Impact Summit, attracting over 1,000 attendees from more than 60 countries
- The GSG and partners collaborate on ground-breaking research project to identify SDG-driven tech innovation ecosystems
- The GSG releases report exploring GSSS bonds’ impact on closing the SDGs funding gap in emerging markets
- Webinar: The inaugural IFRS´ ISSB standards and their implications for Latin American Markets, a GSG event in collaboration with IFRS Foundation and Reporte Integrado
- AVPN Global Conference 2023
- Impact Leaders to Gather in Málaga for the GSG Global Impact Summit on 2-3 October 2023
- The GSG and ITF join the new Impact Investment Initiative for Global Health as knowledge and implementation partner, endorsed by the Japan Presidency of the G7
- The Rt. Hon. Nick Hurd is appointed as new Chair, succeeding Sir Ronnie Cohen who will become non-executive President and continue to serve on the GSG’s Board
- The GSG continues as a knowledge partner to the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group
- GSG Chief Market Development Officer named in the Top 100 Women in Social Enterprise
- We can transition from the worst of times, to the best of times.
- Impact Management Platform launches the System Map to help organisations, investors and financial institutions manage their sustainability impacts
- Impact leaders from MIKTA countries join forces for impact investment
- New study shows steady growth of European impact investments, but more acceleration is needed
- Investor collaborations can unlock billions to finance the SDGs
- The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG) Announces Partnership with Finance in Common
- Members of the ISSB-SCC hold their first meeting, joined by the GSG as an expert advisor.
- New GSG report spotlights the need for $6trn of impact-led investment to improve urban slums
- ITF progress review June 2022 – Letter from Chair Nick Hurd
- Impact Leaders gather for Part 1 of the GSG’s Impact Summit Series – Financing a Better World Through Impact Transparency
- The GSG welcomes Turkiye into global National Advisory Board Network
- International alliance to uncover impact investment in Europe
- What is next for the GSG in 2022?
- Impact Taskforce calls on G7 to take urgent action to mobilise more institutional capital for a just and inclusive transition to net zero
- Leading international organisations launch Platform to address calls for clarity on how to improve sustainability impacts
- Paying for education and labor market outcomes in a changed world: reflections from GSG Summit 2021
- Impact Narrative Winners Announced
- The GSG Global Impact Summit 2021 Begins Today
- Líderes mundiales de la inversión de impacto se reúnen en la Cumbre Global de Impacto 2021 del GSG
- Global Leaders in Impact Investing to Gather for the GSG Global Impact Summit 2021
- Catalyzing Wealth for Change: Guide to Impact Investing
- Smart Impact Capital: online toolkit
- Unleashing the power of endowments: the next great challenge for philanthropy
- Unreasonable Series on Poverty
- Tipping Point 2020: Closing Remarks at the GSG Impact Summit 2017
- GSG Summit Inaugural Address – Amit Bhatia
- GSG Impact Summit 2018, New Delhi
- India Education Outcomes Fund Business Plan: Working Draft
- India Impact Fund of Funds Business Plan: Working Draft
- GSG grows Board of Trustees to span seven countries
- GSG announces LIFF Task Force
- GSG engagement with G20 DWG on Inclusive Business and Impact Economies
- From Refugee To Venture Capitalist To Social Impact Pioneer
- Responsible Investor: In the story of impact investment, wholesalers play a starring role
- Global bodies join forces to mainstream impact management
- Impact investing movement takes root in all six continents with new advisory boards in Bangladesh, New Zealand, and South Africa
- Kenya impact dialogue: Kenya backs National Advisory Board to ‘co-create policy interventions for inclusive and sustainable development through impact investment’
- The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment steps up G20 engagement on impact investment
- Tokyo G20 Dialogue
- An Education Outcomes Fund for Africa and the Middle East
- GSG welcomes G20 commitment to impact investment
- G7 Ministers issue supportive statement on impact investment
- Press Release – The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG) and the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) announce Tarun Mehta of Ather Energy as the GSG Millennial Honor 2019 awardee
- Sir Ronald Cohen calls for “overthrowing the dictatorship of profit and putting impact by its side” at the GSG Impact Summit 2019 in Buenos Aires
- GSG Impact Summit 2019 verified as CO2e Assessed Event
- The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment Announces New CEO
- Cliff Prior Blog
- GSG and UNESCAP launch joint report ‘Towards and Enabling Policy Environment for Impact Investment in Asia and the Pacific’
- The GSG joins B20 Italy to put Impact at the heart of the G20 agenda
- Our Priorities for 2021
- Government to use the SIB model
- New inputs to boost immigrants’ employment
- Remembering Innocent Chukwuma, a pioneer in Nigeria’s impact movement
- Summary of our impact investing study in the private equity field
- First ever impact narrative award to honour excellence in impact investing communications
- The 2021 GSG State of Play, sharing the top priorities across 33 countries
- UK creates Impact Taskforce under its G7 presidency
- G7 Impact Taskforce announces membership
- Cliff Prior to step down as CEO of the GSG after over four years’ service
- Revolutionising Philanthropy: Impact Investment
- COVID-19 Impact Policy Response – Part II
- COVID-19 Impact Policy Response
- Políticas públicas de impacto en respuesta a la crisis del COVID-19
- FMO sponsored Pensions workshop
- GSG G20 Event Proceedings – Buenos Aires, July 2018
- GSG unveils new name - GSG Impact
- UNDP partners with GRI, GSG Impact, IFRS Foundation and ISO to establish Sustainability Disclosure and Management Hubs
- GSG Impact issues new practical recommendations to ensure sustainability disclosure works for emerging economies
- GSG Impact Appoints New CEO
- GSG Impact report highlights the exponential growth of impact investment wholesale vehicles across the globe
- Call for Proposal: Facilitation Company for the GSG Leadership Meeting 2025
- Building impact economies in 2025: a message from GSG Impact’s CEO, Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen
In the Press
- “Forget Capitalism – Profit will be a dirty word”
- Japan urged to tap dormant bank accounts to promote ‘impact investment’
- Global Steering Group plans twin impact funds of $1 billion each
- Ronald Cohen’s Impact may get $2b for India
- How to measure a company’s impact
- Designing a National Advisory Board for Impact Investing in Peru
- Crisis offers a chance to rewrite accounting to include impact
- Cohen makes a powerful case for a movement that is gaining traction in society
- GSG Talks Defining Impact with Global Capital
- Business Standard: GSG funds to meet long-term needs of developing nations
- Devex: Social impact, India’s next growth and employment engine
- Forbes: Three ways politicians can turbo-charge the Impact Revolution
- Global leaders in impact investing honoured in Delhi
- How results-based financing can help improve education, health and employment
- Impact Alpha: In New Delhi, the GSG recognizes leaders and launches funds
- Pioneers Post: Sir Ronald Cohen launches an Impact Revolution
- Pioneers Post: World leaders in impact investment meet in new Delhi for $30 trillion mission
- Times of India: GSG funds to meet long-term needs of developing nations
- Impact investing a rising trend also in Finland – support from a network of renowned persons
- National Impact Investing Advisory Board: Finland needs an outcomes fund
- RI: Sir Ronald Cohen talks ‘impact weighted’ financial accounts, new billion-dollar fund with Al Gore
- Capitalism 2.0: China’s Role in Impact Investing (CEIBS)
- Impact Alpha: Sir Ronald Cohen to the G20: Embrace the impact revolution
- CNBC's Closing Bell - Sir Ronald Cohen discusses ESG and impact investing
- See the Leaders’ Declaration and signatories published in Barron’s
- Barron’s, Companies That Fail to Measure Impact Will Be Left Behind, This Investor Warns
- See the Op-ed by Sir Ronald Cohen and Cliff Prior in Thomson Reuters Foundation re the Leaders’ Declaration
- The Global Steering Group looks to mobilize capital and build impact ecosystems
- “Impact transparency” is the tipping point for an impact economy
- Capitalism hasn’t changed for more than 200 years, but now it’s changing
- Unleashing the full spectrum of sustainable bonds to bridge the SDG funding gap
- Financing small businesses can help achieve SDG goals
- EMs face dearth of private capital amid slow gains in transparency
- Ronald Cohen on bringing impact transparency to the mainstream
- In-depth: GSG focuses on impact industry evolution
- GSG Impact: Beyond impact investing
- Investors start to put a price on impact
- Krisztina Tora on building Impact Economies at the ‘Purpose Pod’ podcast
- Alasdair Maclay on Strategic Leadership in Impact Investing: Utilizing Data for Better Outcomes at Investing in Impact Podcast
- Investing in African Women Will Yield Outsize Returns
- How is impact investing evolving beyond its origins and shaping the global market?
- Why is impact finance gaining so much enthusiasm?
- Ronald Cohen: We must wake up to a new revolution in investment
- What is an impact investment wholesaler?
- Viewpoint: Igniting impact in the Global South
- How Gen Zs can build a career in sustainability
- Listen to the Global South to make sure sustainability disclosure works
- Growth of impact investment wholesalers
- Why Corporate Boards Must Adapt To Changing Times
- You Can’t Have Global Impact Transparency Without the Global South
- Building the Foundations for Impact Investing: Insights from Sir Ronald Cohen
- GSG Impact submits proposal to UN to plug the SDG financing gap
- Driving Public Value: overcoming barriers to scale outcomes-based partnerships
- Strengthening collaboration among national market builders like GSG Impact’s National Partners is key to scaling national markets faster
- About Us
Our People
- Nick Hurd
- Sir Ronald Cohen
- Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen
- Maria Bellocci
- Alasdair Maclay
- Krisztina Tora
- Sebastian Welisiejko
- Vicki Baber
- Raffaella De Felice
- Fai Wechayachai
- Santiago Sueiro
- Emilia Cerra
- Sana Jatoi
- Atieno Otonglo
- Clare Lees
- Julieta Bertolini
- Kyungmin Park
- Uriel Basualdo Franchino
- Pauline Hauducoeur
- Sylwia Piotrowska
- Angeles Sancisi
Trustees and Ambassadors
- Nick Hurd
- Sir Ronald Cohen
- Ibukun Awosika
- Juan Bernal
- Chul Woo Moon
- Shannon Music
- Steven Serneels
- Maria Laura Tinelli
- Rosemary Addis
- Clara Barby
- Dolika Banda
- Saori Dubourg
- Alejandro Preusche
- Paul Romer
- Laurie Spengler
- Laura Tyson
- Masataka Uo
- Peter Maurer
- Giovanna Melandri
- Michele Giddens
- Şafak Müderrisgil
- Royston Braganza
- Marcel Fukayama
- Dr. Austin Kaputo Mwape
- Cliff Prior
- Funders and Supporters
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